Goodness and mercy, classes to teach, to practice, so that you never fail. Fail to learn, life lessons, failed to learn the first time, first attempt to learn a new lesson, over life, over time. To do again and again, to learn daily goodness and mercy, classes on the beach, love and hate.
Tales of Joys and Pains, Love and hate, horns of a goat, tips and tales to share. Donkeys, monkeys, snakes and sins, sinners and saints, deeds to note. Good times, sad tales, bumps in the road. Classes on love and hate, goodness and mercy, on the beach all the time. Bitch About What: Dazes of Bitches: Love and hate horns on a goat, love you all the time, not always ethe dreams of the lost, confused, and displace veterans. Frogs, Snakes, Hackers, Monkeys To Dodge.To do again and again, to learn daily goodness and mercy, classes on the beach, love and hate.
Fake friends out of the woodwork is what we have. Love and devotion with a twisted, the life of a poor white woman trapped in a coffin with a true freak of the night. Nightmare daily battles to win, life in a coffin dead and done to death in a fire, life after the rebirth hard and difficult, lights on now, battles for dream life still the quest in place.Frogs, Snakes, Hackers, Monkeys To Dodge.To do again and again, to learn daily goodness and mercy, classes on the beach, love and hate.
Time at the end of the day to be thankful for the gifts given for the lessons learned the first time. Rewards with strangers to friends, with the gifts of 420 connections, and the hopes and dreams of more. Happy for the balls in the air, happy and delighted with the open doors, happy and gay with the lights on for the better dazes. Faces in the mirror, faces in the sands of time, pages to books, rats to roaches, how to make a buck, walks of fame. Frogs, Snakes, Hackers, Monkeys To Dodge.To do again and again, to learn daily goodness and mercy, classes on the beach, love and hate.
Goodness and mercy, classes to teach, to practice, so that you never fail. Fail to learn, life lessons, failed to learn the first time, first attempt to learn a new lesson, over life, over time. To do again and again, to learn daily goodness and mercy, classes on the beach, love and hate.Frogs, Snakes, Hackers, Monkeys To Dodge.To do again and again, to learn daily goodness and mercy, classes on the beach, love and hate.
Men and women, searching for a little down time in the arms of a real partner for the long runs on the sands of time, dreams of more, desires and prayers placed for the pies in the sky. Pots of 420, pots of gold, pots of dreams in actions for the sinners and the saints.
Goodness and mercy, classes to teach, to practice, so that you never fail. Fail to learn, life lessons, failed to learn the first time, first attempt to learn a new lesson, over life, over time. To do again and again, to learn daily goodness and mercy, classes on the beach, love and hate.
Time for a new love of life to live in a state of blue, searching for the missing pieces of a dream. Life of hope, life of dreams in action, love of the life given for the hard knocks. Schools for the teaches, schools for the lovers, schools for the freaks out at night. Lessons to learn about what true love is, facts or fictions tales of the love and devotion between two people. Faces in the mirror, faces in the sands of time, pages to books, rats to roaches, how to make a buck, walks of fame.
Paid For: Views, voices, values, dimes to drop, family affairs, steers, queers, fags, hags, Upland, Ca. Parents to blame, Sheri and Steven Jarrot, pigs, hogs, hoes, cattle runs, heads to count, family matters. Junk to sell, cheap tricks, asses in the winds, dicks in lines, gang bangs daily, how to make a buck. Faces in the mirror, faces in the sands of time, pages to books, rats to roaches, how to make a buck, walks of fame.
Good times, angels to host, bats out of hell, hell hounds to write about. Freaks, frogs in groups, fools on the water: self love 

My Journey Through Prostitution, Dream life of Rachel Jarrot,good times to heads to count, strangers to friends, how to make a buck. Dicks Out of Box Learners: Losers,Winners:
Male or female, friends and family members, for a short period, flip the cards, flip the coins, time for growth and time to start over again. At the end of the day, love and hate the horns of a goat, love and devotion on the same page, gifts to share of the good times, and the lessons learned. Blue stars above, tricks and trades for the time and space needed for the good life to come. Tales to spin, cash on table, books to write, trips to hell, snakes and frogs. Sharks and whales, birds and bees, trips to hell, blame games to play.
Tricked and pimped, eaten alive for a season or two. Crooks and robbers, snakes and monkeys, dances in the rain, dances in the woods. Walking On Sunshine Today. Daisy to Date: Daisy Ducks, Daisy Duks, Girls to Call, Flowers on the Wall. Fairy tales, tips to share, joys in pains, rain and showers. Good times in the rain, good time at the beach. Dogface butterflies, dogwood tr. ess, monkeys to see, monkeys to show.
Pens to paper, daisys to grow, hate and love, horns to barry, horns of a goat, walks on sunshine.Identity Struggles, Rites And Twists, Dead In Water, Dicks And Dogs. Time to feel good, walking on sunshine, do you like me, how much is true. Tales from the dark side, trips to hell and back, walking on sunshine now. Time to feel good, dates in the woods, date in the RV, dates with fags. Good times, feel good, bumps in the road, tales to hairs, tips and tales, good times, time to feel good again. Happy songs to sing, happy songs to hear, happy songs on the radio. Time to feel good, walking on sunshine, like that song, a lot: husky dawgs, cartoons to watch.
Still more questions on truthful and honesty, and why it is not the same for these, super-sized lot of donkeys, mules, and sinners and saints, to flip the cards to change the pictures of monetary values for the rewards for the just and the mighty. Snakes and frogs, lovers of shit, lovers of dicks to suck, had a turn once, had a lady in hand, cost a lot, paid for months, trip to Texas, had the kids, and the wife, RV trouble, the one that caught on fire, no answers to my calls, back in the day, another veteran robbed, by dances dicks on the side of the road. 7608512267, pimp and drug dealer to call.
Jesus Christ and Moses cousins then, or not, fairy tales. Woman to man, lady for king or knight, leaders of happy dazes, retired to do what you want, roles to play hats to wear, over the hill, 60 years old, giant on land, over 6 feet what?Blue oceans, what you know, what you want.
SO needed this 💉💪🏻🍍 before. Once A Day. THE RUN, WHAT?! JOKES AND LAUGHS, PIGS DO FLY: Crazy...JARROT, CHARLES RAYMOND :Drunk Driver, Pigs, Hogs, Cows To Call. Crook, Cheater, http://Liar.How much are views worth in your world? Moot in mind, please the one in your skin, happy to share views always sunny and bright sides to the pits with the cherries....
How much does it matter, not at all, fiction based on facts, or just another point of view.Twisted Sister -- We're Not Gonna Take it . ❤️🥰~THE PROMISES~🥰❤️ 🙏💘~MEN MAKE~💘🙏 ❣️✌️~BUT RARELY KEEP~✌️❣️“The Choice:Embrace The Possible”.
THE RUN, WHAT?! JOKES AND LAUGHS, PIGS DO FLY: Crazy..Dreams.Spinning Tops, Starr Bright Tonight, Walks Of Fame, Walks In The Park.Thanks so much....Sluts Rachel Jarrot, Rach Jay, crooks and robbers, thieves for time and attention, wigs to caps, horns to hide. sluts for free rides, rides on faces of donkeys, free rides on dicks for dollars, slut for pole dances, lots of lovers to talk about, Steven and Charley Jarrot, family fun fucks on the weekends. Donkeys in heard fuck together.SO needed this 💉💪🏻🍍 beforeOnce A Day. THE RUN, WHAT?! JOKES AND LAUGHS, PIGS DO FLY: Crazy... Wake the Hell Up!Here And Now. GO FUCK YOURSELF.I
JARROT, CHARLES RAYMOND :Drunk Driver, Pigs, Hogs, Cows To Call. Crook, Cheater, http://Liar.How much are views worth in your world? Moot in mind, please the one in your skin, happy to share views always sunny and bright sides to the pits with the cherries....
Head in the clouds, sunny and bright, thankful for eyes open daily.Cheers. SO needed this 💉💪🏻🍍 beforeOnce A Day. THE RUN, WHAT?! JOKES AND LAUGHS, PIGS DO FLY: Crazy...JARROT, CHARLES RAYMOND :Drunk Driver, Pigs, Hogs, Cows To Call. Crook, Cheater, http://Liar.How much are views worth in your world?
Moot in mind, please the one in your skin, happy to share views always sunny and bright sides to the pits with the cherries....Men, mice, dreams and wishes, worlds to create, or forget about, coins to flip, over the rainbows. One more note, nose, nut to stand alone, woman for man, in and out of time, coins, to flip, heads to count, plenty of fish in the seas.
Tales and stories, lovers and haters, dates on the sands of time. Ways to grow, ways to climb the mountains, ways to get across the water, waves to make. Love and hate, bad words, tips of sheep and goats, finger nails to American birds, fingers to a hand. Load guns, no where to go, damage has been done. Shot thur the heart, games to play, bad words, bad names, love and hate, coins to flip.
Daniel George, Rachel Jarrot Princess Frog -Cum Drip: 7609020855 Princess of Whales, Butch, Bitch, Bottle Blonde Binbo, Party Gitrls, Party and play today …"Hard Knocks, Snakes In Grass, Out For Lunch."Steven And Rachel Jarrot. Snake in the grass definition, Steven Jay Jarrot 7608512267: Queen Steers :Queers :of Whales :Fruits and nuts to go for oral expert of craigslist, half an oz for sum cum to drink for a life time. Prey for searches done daily in Ventura, Upland, or? feigns and of candy, flowers, diamonds (glass), in the name or words of truth and honesty in a twisted way, acceptable to family and friends,
Goats and sheep, donkey dates in the hay, trips to hell and back, rejects, retards, and nuts on the run. New York transplants in Huntington Beach, or not, need more cash to live there. . GO FUCK YOURSELF.Frank Agresti,
Love, lights, leaders, dead and gone, veterans lives in the land of the dead, faces in boxes, tales in the ground, glory dazes done. Thanks for the time serve, cheers and chap, jobs done well, military, past and present, thanks so much. Lots of love, lots of luck, lots of tests over time, lots of hard knocks.
Love and devotion, twist, bent, and out of this world, black, blue, spiders, snakes and worms, cows to call home, dinner time. Trips to hell and back, retards and basket cases, pigs, and hogs to fly free, songs to sing, gangs of dicks to serve. Party and play, junk, shit, and dung to sell, trade, steal, rob, free wills in the bags to go, whales on land.
Lovers and hater, sheep and goats, tales in the woods, stories of the hard knocks. Question up in the air, truthful and honest, punch lines for freaks, frogs, and snakes, tales to share. Rats To Races, Horses And Donkeys Rides. Veterans: Thanks For Service, Wits And Charms, Rats To Races, Horses And Donkeys Rides.
Trips to hell and back, retards and basket cases, pigs, and hogs to fly free, songs to sing, gangs of dicks to serve. Party and play, junk, shit, and dung to sell, trade, steal, rob, free wills in the bags to go, whales on land.
Wake the Hell Up!Here And Now. GO FUCK YOURSELF. Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago.Songs and music to made, fan online, leader of the band. Acts to parts, music to write, music to sell. Horse and pony shows.
Lovers and hater, sheep and goats, tales in the woods, stories of the hard knocks. Question up in the air, truthful and honest, punch lines for freaks, frogs, and snakes, tales to share. Rats To Races, Horses And Donkeys Rides. Veterans: Thanks For Service, Wits And Charms, Rats To Races, Horses And Donkeys Rides.
Trips to hell and back, retards and basket cases, pigs, and hogs to fly free, songs to sing, gangs of dicks to serve. Party and play, junk, shit, and dung to sell, trade, steal, rob, free wills in the bags to go, whales on land.
I am not young enough to know everything, rings to roses, rats to roaches, joy and pain, clocks to watch, walks of fame, how to make a buck, to last a life time, or two. How much does it matter, not at all, fiction based on facts, or just another point of view.Twisted Sister -- We're Not Gonna Take it . ❤️🥰~THE PROMISES~🥰❤️ 🙏💘~MEN MAKE~💘🙏 ❣️✌️~BUT RARELY KEEP~✌️❣️“The Choice:Embrace The Possible”.
Lots of lucks, with a crook and a liar, faces of frogs, faces of snakes in the grass, glory holes open, all night long, tricks to trade, 3000 dicks in lines, last night, in Ventura, freaks out for dicks to get sucked. Lots of cum for Steven Jarrot. Rachel Butch, Sunny Sima Jarrot.....Heathen Heart, Pagan Pride. Lions In A Pack, Dances in the dark, walks of life, live and learn, monkeys to dogwood trees.

Goodness and mercy, classes to teach, to practice, so that you never fail. Fail to learn, life lessons, failed to learn the first time, first attempt to learn a new lesson, over life, over time. To do again and again, to learn daily goodness and mercy, classes on the beach, love and hate.Frogs, Snakes, Hackers, Monkeys To Dodge.To do again and again, to learn daily goodness and mercy, classes on the beach, love and hate.

Men and women, searching for a little down time in the arms of a real partner for the long runs on the sands of time, dreams of more, desires and prayers placed for the pies in the sky. Pots of 420, pots of gold, pots of dreams in actions for the sinners and the saints.
Goodness and mercy, classes to teach, to practice, so that you never fail. Fail to learn, life lessons, failed to learn the first time, first attempt to learn a new lesson, over life, over time. To do again and again, to learn daily goodness and mercy, classes on the beach, love and hate.

Time for a new love of life to live in a state of blue, searching for the missing pieces of a dream. Life of hope, life of dreams in action, love of the life given for the hard knocks. Schools for the teaches, schools for the lovers, schools for the freaks out at night. Lessons to learn about what true love is, facts or fictions tales of the love and devotion between two people. Faces in the mirror, faces in the sands of time, pages to books, rats to roaches, how to make a buck, walks of fame.
Paid For: Views, voices, values, dimes to drop, family affairs, steers, queers, fags, hags, Upland, Ca. Parents to blame, Sheri and Steven Jarrot, pigs, hogs, hoes, cattle runs, heads to count, family matters. Junk to sell, cheap tricks, asses in the winds, dicks in lines, gang bangs daily, how to make a buck. Faces in the mirror, faces in the sands of time, pages to books, rats to roaches, how to make a buck, walks of fame.
Male or female, friends and family members, for a short period, flip the cards, flip the coins, time for growth and time to start over again. At the end of the day, love and hate the horns of a goat, love and devotion on the same page, gifts to share of the good times, and the lessons learned. Blue stars above, tricks and trades for the time and space needed for the good life to come. Tales to spin, cash on table, books to write, trips to hell, snakes and frogs. Sharks and whales, birds and bees, trips to hell, blame games to play.
Tricked and pimped, eaten alive for a season or two. Crooks and robbers, snakes and monkeys, dances in the rain, dances in the woods. Walking On Sunshine Today. Daisy to Date: Daisy Ducks, Daisy Duks, Girls to Call, Flowers on the Wall. Fairy tales, tips to share, joys in pains, rain and showers. Good times in the rain, good time at the beach. Dogface butterflies, dogwood tr. ess, monkeys to see, monkeys to show.
Pens to paper, daisys to grow, hate and love, horns to barry, horns of a goat, walks on sunshine.Identity Struggles, Rites And Twists, Dead In Water, Dicks And Dogs. Time to feel good, walking on sunshine, do you like me, how much is true. Tales from the dark side, trips to hell and back, walking on sunshine now. Time to feel good, dates in the woods, date in the RV, dates with fags. Good times, feel good, bumps in the road, tales to hairs, tips and tales, good times, time to feel good again. Happy songs to sing, happy songs to hear, happy songs on the radio. Time to feel good, walking on sunshine, like that song, a lot: husky dawgs, cartoons to watch.
Still more questions on truthful and honesty, and why it is not the same for these, super-sized lot of donkeys, mules, and sinners and saints, to flip the cards to change the pictures of monetary values for the rewards for the just and the mighty. Snakes and frogs, lovers of shit, lovers of dicks to suck, had a turn once, had a lady in hand, cost a lot, paid for months, trip to Texas, had the kids, and the wife, RV trouble, the one that caught on fire, no answers to my calls, back in the day, another veteran robbed, by dances dicks on the side of the road. 7608512267, pimp and drug dealer to call.
Jesus Christ and Moses cousins then, or not, fairy tales. Woman to man, lady for king or knight, leaders of happy dazes, retired to do what you want, roles to play hats to wear, over the hill, 60 years old, giant on land, over 6 feet what?Blue oceans, what you know, what you want.
SO needed this 💉💪🏻🍍 before. Once A Day. THE RUN, WHAT?! JOKES AND LAUGHS, PIGS DO FLY: Crazy...JARROT, CHARLES RAYMOND :Drunk Driver, Pigs, Hogs, Cows To Call. Crook, Cheater, http://Liar.How much are views worth in your world? Moot in mind, please the one in your skin, happy to share views always sunny and bright sides to the pits with the cherries....
Moot in mind, please the one in your skin, happy to share views always sunny and bright sides to the pits with the cherries....Men, mice, dreams and wishes, worlds to create, or forget about, coins to flip, over the rainbows. One more note, nose, nut to stand alone, woman for man, in and out of time, coins, to flip, heads to count, plenty of fish in the seas.
Tales and stories, lovers and haters, dates on the sands of time. Ways to grow, ways to climb the mountains, ways to get across the water, waves to make. Love and hate, bad words, tips of sheep and goats, finger nails to American birds, fingers to a hand. Load guns, no where to go, damage has been done. Shot thur the heart, games to play, bad words, bad names, love and hate, coins to flip.
Daniel George, Rachel Jarrot Princess Frog -Cum Drip: 7609020855 Princess of Whales, Butch, Bitch, Bottle Blonde Binbo, Party Gitrls, Party and play today …"Hard Knocks, Snakes In Grass, Out For Lunch."Steven And Rachel Jarrot. Snake in the grass definition, Steven Jay Jarrot 7608512267: Queen Steers :Queers :of Whales :Fruits and nuts to go for oral expert of craigslist, half an oz for sum cum to drink for a life time. Prey for searches done daily in Ventura, Upland, or? feigns and of candy, flowers, diamonds (glass), in the name or words of truth and honesty in a twisted way, acceptable to family and friends,

Goats and sheep, donkey dates in the hay, trips to hell and back, rejects, retards, and nuts on the run. New York transplants in Huntington Beach, or not, need more cash to live there. . GO FUCK YOURSELF.Frank Agresti,
Love, lights, leaders, dead and gone, veterans lives in the land of the dead, faces in boxes, tales in the ground, glory dazes done. Thanks for the time serve, cheers and chap, jobs done well, military, past and present, thanks so much. Lots of love, lots of luck, lots of tests over time, lots of hard knocks.
Love and devotion, twist, bent, and out of this world, black, blue, spiders, snakes and worms, cows to call home, dinner time. Trips to hell and back, retards and basket cases, pigs, and hogs to fly free, songs to sing, gangs of dicks to serve. Party and play, junk, shit, and dung to sell, trade, steal, rob, free wills in the bags to go, whales on land.

Lovers and hater, sheep and goats, tales in the woods, stories of the hard knocks. Question up in the air, truthful and honest, punch lines for freaks, frogs, and snakes, tales to share. Rats To Races, Horses And Donkeys Rides. Veterans: Thanks For Service, Wits And Charms, Rats To Races, Horses And Donkeys Rides.
Trips to hell and back, retards and basket cases, pigs, and hogs to fly free, songs to sing, gangs of dicks to serve. Party and play, junk, shit, and dung to sell, trade, steal, rob, free wills in the bags to go, whales on land.

Lovers and hater, sheep and goats, tales in the woods, stories of the hard knocks. Question up in the air, truthful and honest, punch lines for freaks, frogs, and snakes, tales to share. Rats To Races, Horses And Donkeys Rides. Veterans: Thanks For Service, Wits And Charms, Rats To Races, Horses And Donkeys Rides.
Trips to hell and back, retards and basket cases, pigs, and hogs to fly free, songs to sing, gangs of dicks to serve. Party and play, junk, shit, and dung to sell, trade, steal, rob, free wills in the bags to go, whales on land.
I am not young enough to know everything, rings to roses, rats to roaches, joy and pain, clocks to watch, walks of fame, how to make a buck, to last a life time, or two. How much does it matter, not at all, fiction based on facts, or just another point of view.Twisted Sister -- We're Not Gonna Take it . ❤️🥰~THE PROMISES~🥰❤️ 🙏💘~MEN MAKE~💘🙏 ❣️✌️~BUT RARELY KEEP~✌️❣️“The Choice:Embrace The Possible”.
Lots of lucks, with a crook and a liar, faces of frogs, faces of snakes in the grass, glory holes open, all night long, tricks to trade, 3000 dicks in lines, last night, in Ventura, freaks out for dicks to get sucked. Lots of cum for Steven Jarrot. Rachel Butch, Sunny Sima Jarrot.....Heathen Heart, Pagan Pride. Lions In A Pack, Dances in the dark, walks of life, live and learn, monkeys to dogwood trees.
Walks in the dark, walks in the woods, walks around the house, trips to make. Daily event, the duties of the sun, to follow the night, stars to shine, darkness to rule for the night life. Pages to turn, pictures in works, pictures in words, tricks of the light.Friends in other forms, tricks with time, tricks with space..: Earth, Wind & Fire - .
Out of the RV camping lifestyle shared with Steven Jarrot, for a moment in time, life with the fights about the hairs loss for the golden calf, his kid Rachel Jarrot. Third place is last place, and no trophies for that placement, keep it for sucker to marry a freak like him. He likes to suck dicks, and it was great not to have to fuck a trick because he was gay, and the meth does that to him. Jokes on the fools and blogs about the snakes in the grass, lies told as truth.
Stories and tales to share about a dark period in my life, when I was a lamb for this family of wolves, gifts of time spent in the life and times as a white trash person, stuck in 1952, with Mr. Hollywood Jr, 1947, fun and games to share about the joys and the pains, lessons learned. The good times and the flip side the bad times, the third party views used for truth and honesty, how many times. Love and hate horns on a goat, is my new term to use, just like better dazes on the right side of the grave.
Graves to you and graves to me, born to daily to die, busy living or
busy dying is the rights of each of us to decide. Choose your mountains
to climb at your own pace, happy and delighted for another day on earth
on the right side of the grave. Happy and gay lifestyle to share with
the freaks, frogs and fools that change on the drop of a dime, party and
play partners for life. Seasons greetings, fun with family, friends,
and foes, the others with red blood under the skin, 2014 done and
completed, lessons learned.
Lucky Dream Nights: People come into your life for a reason. They are either blessings or a lesson. Have you decided yet what you presence is needed for today? I have a point of view that I will take some time to review.
Gay lifestyle, say what? Songs to sing, sucker with a monkey on back,
Sheri and Rachel or rocky Jarrot.Fun and games, party and play tonight?
steven jarrot :7605643510:
83458 tropical whisper ct:ca 92201 Prince Frogg: Out of the Box: Not Stright? above your station in life, just for the looks and attention. So it is about time for the frogs, cows, schools, and the jester and bad hair day.
83458 tropical whisper ct:ca 92201 Prince Frogg: Out of the Box: Not Stright? above your station in life, just for the looks and attention. So it is about time for the frogs, cows, schools, and the jester and bad hair day.
Any ladies and dicks on the down low: like great Kush? great oral? - m4m- 46 Ventura?Santa Monica?RV Camper to date. 7607778998
evening. If you are reading this post that means I'm looking. if you
like one or both of offers on my post then lets meet, my place or yours.
I will give you a 1/2 oz of great kush or $ and give you pleasure at
the same time. I'm married but here on business and looking for some
fun. I'm a nice looking, clean and df White/Cuban Male, 5'11, 220. I
have green eyes, brown hair and great sucker. Reply if real and
interested. 7609020855.
are like noses, and everyone has one, so what be true to yourself, the
only person around daily for you, others might not be out for your best
interest. Snakes in the grasses, are fake friends that are true to you
as long as it fits, in plans to steal more out of the sex trades with
Steven Jarrot, and acorns Rocky, Rachelle, Sima, and Jackie Jarrot or
something else, another example in the care and loving natural to them
as a group.
Happy with gay lifestyle and the extra sex trades for the drugs that rule and control so many today. You also a slave to drugs with sex players that are there for the day, week, summer, or for trades or tricks with ass fuckers, that are white and pure as snow, in their world.
The tales of creation of next want to be Cali Cow Star. This is a short
spin on the outcome. It was a rite of passage. You know like being born,
and new events that get written up, and then your light shines
brighter. It is about coming to terms with changes that come with the
Rach Jay: Thief 2 Slut for Free Rides, Dicks And Chicks To Do. Tales:Snakes and Vipers, Prince Frogs Tips: Charles R ...Jews are cheap, and they take their money with them when they expire, right? Party like a Jew, meant party on somebody else’s dime. The Jew’s father who was not in New York City, with his kid for the party better than the Rock stars did not include any of her natural family. This party was with the other Jew’s and it was better than the Billy Joel, hits and misses, rock star, to model.
Rock Stars, according to this Desert Jew Girl from the polo team in Palm Desert, LA Quinta, Indio deserts in California. Party on the church dime is where she is and has a better party than the rock stars. Not sure what the word party actually means from a New York City view, from a desert person of California. Maybe that meant more clothes, what do you think?
Personally, I Rachel Gaylnn Jarrot-reading →Randy The Blue Ranger Malcolm why bother commenting . . ...cover of , "Despair" Comics#EROTIC #FICTION #HORROR❖The Scream❖Eveline Hood... #Share #IARTG #ASMSG ... Ric Olsen Sophocles: "Our happiness depends on wisdom all the way." #quotes....Common Shows Off His Break Dance Moves For Jimmy Fallon VIDEO...
Way to go, kids and goats, horns of love and hate, pages of lovers, dates on the sands of time, lights to share, stars in darkness, lights of one, nuts to stand, babes and chicks, veterans with wits and charms, views written online, hats and horns to wear, glory dazes done. Lessons learned in the pass, snakes, freaks, and worms, dicks and dogs, bitches and butches, tales to spin. Birds in the dogwood tress, circles of colors, circles of tests over times. Happy to share the light of daddy, views of sinners and saints, dances in darkness. Thieves, crooks and liars, cards to flip, cards to play, circles of lives online.
Happy with gay lifestyle and the extra sex trades for the drugs that rule and control so many today. You also a slave to drugs with sex players that are there for the day, week, summer, or for trades or tricks with ass fuckers, that are white and pure as snow, in their world.
of their world, lights out to the sights and sounds of the undead and
unstable, people that make me feel bad, people that make me question the
things that are done for the right reasons.
Happy and gay is a life style that floats the boats of the masses that like that label, so what, it is not for everyone, just the people that want something more or not the same as every Tom, Dick or Harry, jokes on the fools, frogs, and freaks out at night. Fun and games for the hard workers, with a holiday plan for the sights with family and friends, why not enjoy yourself.
Happy and gay is a life style that floats the boats of the masses that like that label, so what, it is not for everyone, just the people that want something more or not the same as every Tom, Dick or Harry, jokes on the fools, frogs, and freaks out at night. Fun and games for the hard workers, with a holiday plan for the sights with family and friends, why not enjoy yourself.
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Glory dazes done,.LIFE QUOTES:Fools, Freaks, Snakes, Worms, Spiders And Fakes, Actors To Parts, Horses To Races.Turning pages. Jungle Out There. Coins, Cards, Cons, Clowns To The Left, Cattle Runs, Heads To Count.I 've had so many people walk out of my life these past 6 months I have no fucks left to give. It's a free for all, here's a one way ticket.No I've never cheated on anyone.